We clinch all Intellectual Property and capitals from our pipeline projects, 

while we clinch new licensing and investment agreements to advance our innovative myosin inhibitor portfolio.


Clinch Biosciences team deeply characterizes

motor enzymes

which are responsible for essential cellular movements providing the basis of life. Through modulation of these enzymes, we 

improve quality of life

of patients suffering from severe musculoskeletal and cardiovascular diseases and metastasis forming cancers.


Clinch Biosciences will revolutionize preclinical drug discovery by applying its

one-lab strategy

which means that all members of the team from 


stay in close contact and mutually accelerate each other’s work by continuous feedback and open communication.

We believe that

real values

evolve from

solid basic research

through understanding the fundamental chemical and biological processes behind the mechanism of action of drugs.

Once a project with a potential business value emerges, we plan to establish

a separately funded but jointly managed entity we call a


to accelerate clinical development.